Saturday, June 4, 2011

"What he needs is tender loving medication!"

I recently watched a newer episode of South Park titled "City Sushi". The episode had two different storylines working in concert. The main storyline was about the crusade of the town's Chinese restaurant's owner against the owner of the newly opened Japanese restaurant and the inability of the townspeople to distinguish or even notice the difference between Japan and China. The other storyline in the show had Butters being wrongly diagnosed with Disassociative Identity Disorder.

While I found the entire episode funny and entertaining, it was the Butters subplot that I was most interested in. Butters' parents took him to a therapist after he was wrongly accused of starting an "Asian turf war". The therapist came to believe that Butters had multiple personalities while in actuality, it was just Butters' pretend characters from playing. It was a particular scene in which Butters was outdoors playing and pretending to be a truck driver, and his parents freaking out believing it was another personality, that got me thinking about how this satirizes an actual issue today in our society.

Many children are falsely diagnosed and subsequently medicated with different personality disorders. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), for example, is one of the most common conditions that children with lots of energy are diagnosed with. Wait a minute! Children with lots of energy? That's not normal! (Please note the sarcasm.)


  1. Thank you! I thought I was the only one who said this. I feel like a lot of people think it, but won't say it. My sister has ADD and they diagnosed this in 7th grade. When my parents told me about this my reaction was "Wait, she doesn't want to pay attention in school? Whoa! Hold on there! Are you telling me she's just like everyone else?" Some people may need legitimate help concentrating, but there are a lot of kids out there who would benefit more from some parenting.

  2. haha i agree very much with Ryan here! It's so funny i wrote about the new South Park episode yesterday in my own blog. I focused more on the other half of the plot involving the Chinese owner fighting the Japanese. I just think its interesting we watched the same thing, and blogged about different parts of it!
