Mp3s.... the most portable, commonly used audio format in the world today. The average computer user sees an mp3 and thinks that it is the standard. An example of modern technology. Well... they would be half right. Mp3's are indeed portable and the most compatible audio format but what most people don't know is that by choosing to use an mp3, you've made the choice to settle for an audio file that has had bits of it's data erased. An easier explanation: imagine taking an old record (vinyl) and poking little needle-sized holes through it. This is in effect what an mp3 does to the original source file. An audio format which has been encoded and has had bits of it's data erased is called lossy. As in, you've lost actual parts of the song.
Now it is true that most people do not notice the difference. But for those of us who have noticed the difference can never un-notice it. Would you buy a new car with a shotty engine? It works.... but it isn't perfect. Again... that's an mp3. But as we move forward in the future, this darned audio format is slowly beginning to replace CD's (Now CD's themselves are not perfect... but that's a whole other story).
But there is luck. The audiophiles around the world seem to be gaining momentum as lossless audio formats (audio formats that retain every last bit of the original source media) are becoming easier and easier to find. Even the accursed Apple seems to be moving towards an availability of lossless files.
But the point is, we as a culture ALWAYS seem to move towards things that are more easy to use, even at the cost of something else. We use mp3s because it is easy, but lose the quality and sound of the original song. We eat McDonalds because it is fast and easy, but get fat, unhealthy, and dead. We get our information about the world from the television because it's much easier than actually going out to experience in that world ourselves. Anybody remember the movie Wally? I really believe we may be headed in that direction.....
I didn't see wallE but I did notice the quality of MP3s being less than great, you can especially notice it on live recordings I find. I hope the losless media becomes mainstream sooner rather than later.