Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Freedom" Within The Confines Of Media Defined Choices. Are We Truly Free?

Watching the constant insulting and discrediting happening on the news networks and online news boards (from BOTH parties!) I was reminded of a conversation I had a couple of weekends ago with a fellow soldier during a drill weekend. The topic was freedom. Our country always talks about freedom this, freedom that, and even my own mother will go on about how lucky and free we are. But really, what is this freedom that we have that is supposedly exclusive to the US? Further, what does that freedom even mean?

The ability to vote as our example, the aforementioned soldier and myself mused that if we are "free" to choose as long as it is within a set number of options, is it really freedom? Republican or Democrat. Of course there are additional third parties but lets be realistic, who supports them? What media network or even outlet makes credible mention of them? Our television programs, newspapers, internet sites, and even simple word of mouth discuss only one or the other, Republican or Democrat. Now of course these additional parties have their own prints but does the general public have reasonable exposure to these other choices? No. We are stuck choosing between the two parties which control (or more likely are controlled by) the media, likely trapping us indefinitely in a (failing, in my opinion) two-party system. So is our ability to vote really so free? I consider that a very subjective term.

An offshoot from that could be even something as overlooked as cars. In the modern world, public transportation is a must. Yet our culture has relied and been dependent on cars for so long that it seems that a real move to developing a reliable public transportation system on any scale seems unlikely any time soon. But what is it that continues the idea that cars are a necessary part of everyday life? Habit? Partially. But habits can be broken. Convenience? Again, partially, but if we had a reliable public transportation system already in place I can personally say it's a lot more convenient to step onto a train or bus than drive a car myself each day. So what also contributes to the continuation of habits? Media of course! Watch the television for an hour and try to go without seeing at least one or two commercials advertising cars. You'd think during a time when the prices of gas are getting out of control, people might consider moving away from their dependence on cars. Instead, the media advertises cars that have slightly better mileage than the one before! Again, where is the freedom to choose my mode of transportation? It's nonexistent.

I could honestly go on for ages but if I use too many examples, I'm sure people would lose interest. It seems that the only thing we really have true freedom over deciding is which fast food restaurant we want to subject ourselves to. So in short, this is how I perceive things.     Media----> Culture-----> Control (lack of true freedom)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The First

My first entry to this blog is going to be fairly random, scattered, and disorganized. I'll apologize in advance as this is really my first blog and I'm still trying to get myself caught up with everything. I'm going to be making an effort to organize my rambunctious thoughts over time. Now I'll start off by saying something cheesy but it really is a defining belief in which I live my life. I truly believe that every experience, every little thing we take for granted, the good and the bad, adds to your life and creates who you are. Everything is a journey and an adventure; relationships, travels, meetings, break-ups, anything! Even this particular course. So you can see where the main title, "Journey Through COMM 229" comes from.

As for now, my hope is to add my spin on what we cover over the duration of this course from my perspective. As I've mentioned in an introduction post over at our discussion forums, I've had a lot of experience in my life with Japan and (South) Korea. In fact, those two countries make up a significant portion of who I am and how I perceive and think. So I plan to try viewing the concepts we will go over in this course with that international perspective. Additionally, I've spent 5 1/2 years as a member of the Army National Guard (which honestly I can't wait to be done with...) and could also offer perspective from that as well if there happen to be any topics with which that could apply.

So I really hope that this blog can be a good way for me to organize my thoughts and share my view of the world through a media focus! With that being said, I'm off to party with some friends! All work and no play! You know how it goes. :)